Brazil - Recanto

🙌🏽 20% lifetime discount for the first 1000 buyers 🙌🏽

The Recanto coffee has an amicable cup, sweet and rich, leaving a long-lasting pleasant aftertaste.

The beans are slightly pushed on the roast so the espresso lovers enjoy a very easy smooth cup that remains sweet and pleasant. 

The ground coffee is roasted a little lighter and ground rather coarse, thinking mostly of the French Press users.

You can order either 1 pack of 225g or one box of 4 packs (equivalent to a monthly consumption) with Beans or Ground coffee neatly packed. 

Price per box including tax and excluding shipping:  

🙌🏽 20% de discount à vie pour les 1000 premiers acheteurs 🙌🏽

Le café de Recanto est doux en goût, sans amertume et laisse un parfum plaisant en bouche.

En forme de grain la torréfaction a été très légèrement poussée, ce qui en fait un café très agréable quelque soit sa préparation (Espresso, Américano...) 

Sous sa forme moulu la torréfaction est plus légère afin de privilégier les cafetières classiques à filtre ou à piston.

Vous pouvez commander 1 paquet de 225g ou une boite de 4 paquets (equivalent d'une consommation mensuelle) de café en grain ou moulu selon votre choix. 

Le prix de la boite inclus les taxes, pas la livraison:

4x Moulus
4x Grains

You can cancel at any time. The credit card will only be debited before each box is shipped.


Process comparison

We R Farmers Coffee
1. Harvesting
The farmers harvest the coffee cherries with great care.
2. Processing
The coffee cherries are dried and milled.
3. Roasting & Packing
The coffee is gently roasted in small batches and packed shortly after.
4. Shipping
The roasted coffee packs are boxed, sealed and shipped.
5. Warehousing & Distribution
The coffee arrives to the We R warehouse and sent directly to We R coffee lovers.
5 setps process: fast and straight to the point
Traditional Coffee
Scroll down arrow
1. Harvesting
The farmers harvest the coffee cherries.
2. Processing
The coffee cherries are dried and milled.
3. Intermediaries
Middlemen buy green coffee from farmers and sell to exporters.
4. Warehousing
Green coffee is stored at exporters warehouse.
5. Shipping
Exporters sell and ship green coffee often as commodity to other intermediaries.
6. Intermediaries
Intermediaries import green coffe and store it in warehouses.
7. Roasters
Roasters buy green coffe from intermediaries and move in to their wharehouse.
8. Roasting & Packing
The green coffee, by now already months old and beaten, is roasted and packed.
9. Warehousing & Distribution
The coffee arrives to the warehouse and is sent to distribution.
9 steps: slow and ineffective

Crafted by Divisa.